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Udoh lame dok update ini blog :P :P :P Testing my Kelantanese accent.

It's been a really busy 3 months for us since Urbanscape. But a good busy. Not sure who else would still be reading this blog, but we hope to those that are still visiting us, thank you :) We want to be updating consistently now, fingers crossed :)

Anyhoo, we have now opened a pushcart (some people call it kiosk) at Cineleisure Damansara (they are now in the process of rebranding though, it's called e@Curve now, a tongue twister name that, personally moi prefer Cineleisure). It's located at first floor beside McD's ice cream kiosk and sticker thingie cart. Do come and visit us.

Been reading some new trends as well about bags. Must say all those Europeans have got some funky design up in the brains. Love the bags and design culture. For more do read below link . Picture courtesy of

We are selling somewhat similar types of bags with colourful designs, something like what you can see from the previous post pictures below. Let us know what you think.


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