

Ok, there are probably not many that likes these sort of bands, tapi kami suka :)
We recently (right, maybe not that recent) went to their gig and still terkebil2 mata tak percaya that they actually came. The guys semua boroi, macam polis, nasib baik takde misai :) And the designated guy to speak to the audience is mono-syllabic :P Guys who came probably know what I'm talking about (he kept saying "Thank you" after each song and thats it!). Must say couldn't beat Explosions in the Sky's intro of "Kami Meletup di Langit". Klasik!!

Enjoy the vids. Beautiful noise!

P.S They are LOUD :)
P.S.S Too many smilies here, smilies overload
P.S.S.S The recorded sound is re-heeee-ally bad.

We love life,

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